Busy weekend around here that go all the doors painted 2 coats of white and all the door knobs installed and a second coat of paint on the walls. The white doors helped the contrast with the wall colour which we were getting worried was a little too light, so on our second coat on the walls we darkened it by 25%. The lesson here is to trust you wife when it comes to the colours as it will all work out in the end. I also connected all the outlets and put all the covers on, so all the electrical is finished.
I am mostly excited about my new bathroom. It is always nice when you work on all the rough in stuff get the drywall up, paint it all realise that everything is where it needs to be. Well almost.

This bathroom is a long story that begins with the flange in the floor for the toilet. I wanted to get a proper one that sat on the outside of the pipe coming up from the ground. The guy at home depot told me that I would need to bust up the concrete around the pipe, which sounded fun to me. The problem was that the dri-core sub-floor was finished a little too nicely around the pipe so I had to bust that out a bit first. Then slowly I broke out enough concrete to believe that I would be able to get the flange in place. I cut the pipe flush with the dri-core as it was all glued in place and the walls were build on top. I installed my laminate floor and tried to dry fit the flange only to discover that it was 1/2 off the floor. This of course would put my toilet hovering off the floor. So I took everything apart and cut up a few pieces of ply wood, nailed them to the dri-core and then put down my underpad and laminate again. This time it was perfect. I went to put in my toilet only to discover that my water supply tap ended up directly behind the toilet. Oops. This prevented the toilet from fitting in. So I turned the water off again, took apart the supply and cut as much off as I dared to and put it all back together. The toilet just fits with a hair length of space between the supply shut off and the toilet (at least I am not wasting any space). The end result is pretty nice.
Our biggest problem now is that we have hit our predetermined budget cap and we don't have a floor, ceiling or the trim and baseboards. We are now looking around for a cheap carpet and installer as I have no idea how to install carpet. So if anyone knows where I could find something please let me know. We figure we will put in the carpet and then go through a "budget recovery" period before we finish off the rest.
Well that is how far we are it is really looking lit we may actually pull this off. Our next challenge is the carpet once that is installed I will put up some more pictures.