Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Protect Green Space Call to Action

(photo credit Lindsay Murray)

It has been a week since I posted my open letter to the Township of Woolwich and the Waterloo Catholic District School Board regarding the building of a new Catholic school in Breslau.  It has been a pretty active week on this issue and I have had a chance to think a lot about it.  My letter has received almost 500 page views.  I am still not happy about it and have numerous concerns.  On the positive side, I have become aware of the passion that Breslau residents have for their town.  Below are just a few excerpts from discussions on this building project.

I am concerned about the "sharing" of the community centre as I don't think that can work and community programs will be compromised. -Sharon
Breslau is the designated area for future growth of Waterloo region. Our needs will increase with the population. Putting a school there not only drastically reduces our green space, but it severely limits any potential options for expanding the community centre in future. -Bill
I'd love for the community centre to remain as is. There is enough unused space on the far end of Shallow Creek and at the end of Andover where the future development board is for the WCDSB construct a new educational facility. -Ashley
Memorial Park is the only parkland we have in Riverland. My children love to play and run in that field (daytime hours) as well as the playground. The community centre has great day programs that will be compromised if the school is to take over. It's a loose loose situation personally for me and for many in the community! -Michelle
My issue is way more then it just backing onto other houses, I think people also need to think about everything as a whole not just one aspect. -Samantha
I definitely do not want a school there. I too back onto the park and I like it that way, don't really want to see all that lovely green space become pavement and building. -Kat

I have contacted Mayor Shantz, Councillor Shantz and Councillor Martin and sent them a link to my letter.  Both Ward 3 councillors replied to me and informed me that more information would be made available at the February 26 meeting in the Community Centre at 7:00pm.  They both informed me that they only learned of these plans a few weeks ago so all of this is pretty new.  To prepare for this meeting I have created a petition to urge the WCDSB and the Township of Woolwich to choose an undeveloped location for the new school.  To gauge how many individuals do not support this location.  Breslau needs Memorial Park to remain a public park allowing access to everyone at all times of the day.

I want to emphasize that I am encouraged by the cooperation and collaboration between the township and the school board.  I am excited about the construction of a library, however, we need green space in our communities, now more than ever, as Breslau continues to expand.  If this school is built on a new undeveloped location our community will get more green space.  That is a win - win.

With the understanding that we have not heard the entire story about this project and that we will probably learn more about it at the meeting, here is petition.

We urge the Township of Woolwich and the WCDSB to build the new school on undeveloped land not on the green space of Breslau Memorial Park.
If you are interested in signing the petition click the link above.  Please share to other members of our community who may also be interested in this project.

I support Breslau Memorial Park upgrades, I support a much needed library facility in our ever growing town, I support forward thinking development in Breslau, I support the construction of a school, I do not support this location.

Thanks for reading.

UPDATE: This was just sent to me from the township.

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